About Us

Welcome to Quranic Voice, where a dynamic team of passionate individuals dedicates themselves to spreading the profound teachings of the Quran through the modern mediums of photos, videos, and audios. We are a group of enthusiastic youngsters driven by the mission to make the wisdom of the Quran accessible to a global audience.

Our Daily Mission:

Every morning, we embark on a noble journey to share the beauty and guidance found in the Quranic verses. Through engaging videos, we present 2 to 3 Ayats accompanied by English and Urdu translations in text, enhancing the understanding of these timeless words. The verses are also brought to life with the soothing voice of Urdu translation through our voice-over.

Sada e Faran:

Under the umbrella of Quranic Voice, we proudly present Sada e Faran, a platform where we focus on short clips from renowned Islamic scholars. While we do feature longer speeches, our primary emphasis is on impactful and concise content, delivering profound insights in bite-sized portions. Sada e Faran is designed to be a source of quick, enlightening moments that resonate with the depth of Islamic knowledge.

Haramain Explorer:

Another gem within Quranic Voice is Haramain Explorer, a platform where we curate and share clips capturing the spiritual essence of the Haramain – the sacred cities of Makkah and Madinah. From complete Salah sessions to Friday Sermons and more, we provide an immersive experience, allowing our audience to connect with the divine moments in these holy places.

At Quranic Voice, we believe in the transformative power of knowledge and aim to bridge the gap between tradition and the digital age. Join us on this inspiring journey as we strive to enrich lives with the wisdom of the Quran, fostering a deeper understanding and appreciation for the teachings that guide us towards a righteous path. Together, let's explore the profound messages of the Quran and share the light of knowledge with the world.

Feel free to contact us on the below link: Contact Us 

Copyright: Our content is permitted to be used for Dawah purposes.

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